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No it is not illegal to export horses for slaughter.

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Q: Is it illegal to export horses from America for slaughter?
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Is there horse hoofs in Hunts Jello snacks?

No. It is illegal in America to slaughter horses for food. That includes jello.

How much horses get slaughered in the us every day?

It is now illegal to slaughter horses in the U.S., so they are shipped to Mexico.

Who made it legal to slaughter horses?

well its illigal in uk (where i come from) but in america obama has allowed horse slaughter :(

What states were allowed to slaughter horses?

Any state in the USA could legally slaughter horses at one time. Horses were slaughtered for many years and their meat used in the pet food industry. Technically horse slaughter was not made illegal, The inspection of slaughtered horses by USDA veterinarians was defunded by the federal government.

What is the difference between banning horse slaughtering and being illegal?

Banning horse slaughtering is where the horses go to0 farm and are torn apart and people can do legally with a license and when you slaughter horses illegal you do not have a license or any rights to be slaughtering horses.

How many horses get sent to the mink farm a year?

well there is no such thing for horses called a mink house. there is a slaughter house and the glue factory. both are illegal in the US

What is a horse slaughter plant?

A horse slaughter plant is a place where mean people kill healthy, old, or injured horses for food or money.THEY_ARE_SO_CRUEL!">THEY ARE SO CRUEL!Horse slaughter is not illegal, although it should be. A lot of people are against horse slaughter, including me.Sometimes good people save the horses by adopting them so they can have a great life. If they don't get adopted..... I think you would know what happens to them.@the guy above:I am against horse slaughter too.

Is horse slaughter banned from the US?

Yes, It has been banned to Slaughter Horses in the U.S

Do people eat horse's?

Yes, people do eat horses. In the United states it is considered illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption, but in many countries horse meat is considered no different than cow meat.

How long has horse slaughter been going on in Canada?

The slaughter of horses became a problem when horses were replaced by cars and their worth was diminished in the eyes of humans.

What does Tonga export?

dogs and horses...

What horses does the US export?

Popular breeds for export included American Quarter Horses, thoroughbreds used for racing, and Tennessee Walking Horses, which are used for English riding.