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Yes, they are endangered.

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Q: Is it illegal to hunt Siberian Tigers in Russia?
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Do Siberian tigers hunt alone?

they hunt alone

How do the Siberian tiger hunt?

Man and other Siberian tigers

What do humans hunt Siberian tigers for?

For their beautiful fur.

How does the Siberian tiger hunt for food?

Siberian tigers are stalkers, ambushing their prey from cover.

How are the Siberian tigers endangered?

Siberian or Amur tigers are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. People hunt the tigers for their fur and other body parts.

Do Siberian tigers hunt in the daytime?

no they do not if they did they would burn their eyes

Is it illegal to hunt Sumatran tigers?

no! it is not legal to hunt tigers in India because it is their national animal

What are Siberian tigers basic needs to stay alive?

To hunt preys

How do you hunt tigers?

you don't just leave tigers be Hunting tigers is illegal.

What is a Siberian white tigers Ecosystem?

The Siberian Tigers habitat is the Evergreen forests of Northern China and Southeastern Siberia. Mountain/snowy forest in china and Russia. Tigers are top predators, meaning that they kill other animals for food, and no other animals kill them. Tigers have no natural enemies (only humans hunt tigers) and they do it for their fur, their bones or just for kicks, not in order to eat them.

Why do Siberian tigers hunt at night?

They have a well developed night vision and prefer to hunt at night to surprise its prey.

Why do Siberian tigers hunt alone?

yes. they do this because they find it easier and more successful.