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Q: Is it illegal to own a giraffe in Michigan?
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no a Giraffe and some other exotic creatures are not but under a lot of new laws many exotic animals are now illegal to own and/or harbor so i would suggest checking in with your local animal authorities

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Nunchucks were previously illegal in Michigan, but the ban was lifted in 2018. As of now, it is legal to own and carry nunchucks in Michigan unless they are being used to commit a crime or cause harm.

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Do I have a giraffe?

We can't answer that for you, but - you do not likely have a giraffe as a pet. They are too big and illegal to keep as pets.However, if you have stuffed animal or toy that looks similar to the image above, then yes, you do have a giraffe!

Who is allowed to have a giraffe in their house?

It's illegal!! Unless you smuggle it in, which I do not suggest!!

Is it illegal for someone to tie a giraffe to a parking meter in Chicago?

No, but I am sure if you tried to die a giraffe to a parking meter, you would be asked to move it.

Can you own a giraffe in Indiana?

Only if you own & operate a zoo.

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Yes, it is considered a hate crime in Michigan.

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Is same-sex marriage illegal in Michigan?

No. Same-sex marriage is legal in Michigan.