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It all depends on how much information.If say you just said their first name then no but if you sai stuff like their address, full name, credit card number etc. than definitely!

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Q: Is it illegal to put other peoples personal information on the web?
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Many online game sites have friend or share codes. You should look on those sites for any that may be posted and that users wish to share. WikiAnswers does not allow any such personal information to be posted here. It is inappropriate to ask on this site for such information. It may also be dangerous and it may be illegal.

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The only personal information you have to enter is your E-mail address. All other information is optional.

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MR.Beast would've said his email if he wanted to have it out there, other wise, We cant say his personal information, its not appropriete to say other peoples personal stuff, because You NOR ME WOULDNT LIKE SOME1 ELSE SAYING MY BUISNESS OR YOuRS. XOXO,ANISHAH LOVE,ANISHAH HEART,ANISHAH

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