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If you are talking about mailing someone then yes it is illegal not to mention highly dangerous.

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Q: Is it illegal to send a person?
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Yes. but not if the person receiving it asked you to send it

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It is a crime to send any illegal substance through the mail.

How do you send money to person?

It's actually illegal to send cash through U.S. mail. But alternative options are a money order, a visa (in the form of a gift card) or a personal check!

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Yes, it is illegal to send urine through the mail as it can be considered a biohazard and pose health risks to postal workers and those who handle the package. Additionally, it may violate postal regulations on sending hazardous materials.

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It is not illegal to send hair in the mail, but it is important to make sure it is properly packaged and doesn't violate any postal regulations. It is recommended to check with your local postal service for specific guidelines on mailing items like hair.

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No, but it is illegal to receive money for the files.

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No, it is not illegal, but it is extremely annoying.

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Is it illegal to send a message to a famous person?

Not unless you intend to blackmail, threaten, stalk, or intimidate them... Famous people live under the same laws as the rest of us, they just have better lawyers. You are able to send them anything you might send a neighbour.