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If you wish to take the risk of doing so with your current "significant other" there is currently no law against doing so PROVIDING that the recepient is a willing participant in the exchange.

CAUTION: Keep in mind that you will have no control over who he/she displays these messges to, or how long they will choose to keep them in memory.

Friends/dates/"significant others"/ etc, are ALL subject to change. If you are comfortable having these types of messages "out there" and associated directly with you . . . then go ahead, but think it over carefully!

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Sexting between two consenting adults in a dating relationship is not inherently illegal, but it could be considered illegal if it involves sharing explicit images of minors, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, or if it violates any local laws regarding obscenity or harassment. It's important for both individuals to communicate openly and ensure that they are comfortable with sexting before engaging in it.

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Is it illegal for a 11 year old to date a 17 year old?

Yes, it is illegal for a 11 year old to date a 17 year old. In most places, there are age of consent laws that specify the minimum age for engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship. The age gap between an 11 year old and a 17 year old is considered inappropriate and potentially harmful due to the developmental differences between the two individuals.

Im 17 and dating a 19 year old is it legal for us to be sexually intimate?

It depends on the laws of the state or country you are in. In many places, there are age-of-consent laws that dictate the minimum age for individuals to engage in sexual activity. It's important to check the laws in your specific area to ensure you are not violating any regulations.

What is a minor violation of the law that demoralizes community residents and business people?

A minor violation of the law that can demoralize community residents and business people is littering. When areas are littered, it can create a sense of neglect and lower the overall perception of safety and cleanliness in the community. This can discourage people from investing in businesses or being active members of the community.

How soon did Blake and Miranda start dating after his divorce?

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert began dating shortly after Shelton's divorce from his first wife, Kaynette Williams, in 2006. They got married in 2011 and divorced in 2015.

What are two illegal maneuvers in racewalking?

Two illegal maneuvers in racewalking are lifting both feet off the ground (in a running motion) and bending the knee of the supporting leg. These actions violate the rule that at least one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times and the leading leg must remain straight from the moment it makes contact with the ground until it is in a vertical position.

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Dating? or smashing? cuz dating a senior isn't illegal only if yall are smashing super hardcore x) feel meh?

In Kentucky is it illegal for a sixteen-year-old girl and a twenty-two-year-old boy to date or have a relationship?

Dating is not illegal; sex is illegal.

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Technically - yes. Dating Would be ok, as the age of consent is sixteen. However, it's most likely illegal if the two of you have sex.

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A relationship?

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Dating is not illegal. Sex between those two is illegal and prosecutable.

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There is regular dating, where two people go out somewhere together. There is double dating, where two couples go out somewhere together. There is also group dating in which three or more couples go out somewhere.

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it depends on how big the group if there are two than it would be double dating.

Is it illegal to put two people on a single snowmobile?

No it isnt.

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Dating is usually not illegal anywhere. Having sex may be, if one of the two is a minor, but dating (without sex, of course) should not get you in trouble.

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There are no laws regarding dating. Don't know why a girl wants to go out with someone old enough to be her father, but it isn't illegal.

Is it illegal for two unmarried couple to engage in sexual actives?

If both people are over the age of 18, then it is legal. If not ... then it is illegal.

Is it illegal for a 14 year old male to date a 16 year old female in Michigan?

There is nothing illegal with dating at this age as long as there is no sexual contact between the two. Look up age of consent in your state or country.