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Q: Is it illegal to sign a promissory note after closing on the sale of your home under distress so that the realtor could receive money. After being told WE NEEDED NO MONEY AT CLOSING.?
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Is it illegal to have someone sign a promissory note under distress at a house closing The note was signed and notarized now I'm taking it to small claims court and he is contesting it.?

This depends on the situation. Were you being forced to sign the papers physically or threatened with harm? Once a contract is signed, it is legally binding except in extreme circumstances decided by a court of law.

Can a wife notarize a real estate closing document for a husband in ga?

No,if he is listed on the document he has to sign it in front of a notary. Anything else would be illegal.

Is it legal to cash the good faith check before the closing?

It's strictly illegal to cash the check before escrow closing, in any case whatsoever. Don't even think about it. I believe that your escrow company would never release the check to you anyway, unless they are willing to take a chance on deprive of their license.

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By closing down factories that produce polluting gasses, by not using vehicles that produce such gasses ether by making it illegal or by finding a fuel that can be used by such that do not result in air pollution.

Can you void a contract to sell a piece of property once both parties have signed and it has gone through closing?

In a normal situation, you will not be able to void the contract. If both parties agree, it can be voided. If the contract is illegal, or there was fraud involved, the court could void it as well.

Can an illegal payday loan company garnish wages?

What do you mean "illegal"? If you signed a promissory note, and did not fulfill your end of the bargain, that individual or company can sue you. If you do not show up to defend yourself, they will get a default judgment and can garnish your wages.

Why darrow decide not to give a closing argument?

In the famous court case The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, known popularly as the "Scopes Monkey Trial," school teacher Thomas scopes was charged with teaching the theory of evolution. Teaching evolution was then illegal in Tennessee under the Butler act. Famous attorney Clarence Darrow was among those who represented Scopes, and the prosecution included three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan.At the end of the trial, in which the judge had not allowed any evidence regarding the overwhelming acceptance of evolution by scientists, Clarence Darrow declined to give a closing argument. Under Tennessee law, this prevented the prosecution,and therefore Bryan, the right to give a closing summation as well.

Is it illegal for a personal representative in charge of closing an estate to spend estate money for personal use or crisis?

Yes. The person is required to provide an accounting to the court of all property that came into the estate and all the property that went out. The use of funds for personal reasons should be reported to the court.

Is it illegal to open a fire door when there is no fire?

It's not illegal no, Some people use the fire door in other emergencies. Many fire doors are also in everyday use, such as those separating parts of a building into different smoke or fire compartments, or protecting stairwells. Such doors are intended to be opened as necessary to pass through. However, it would be a code violation to prop open a fire door, which would defeat the purpose of automatic closing in case of fire. Some buildings may also have other security concerns that require exterior fire doors to remain closed except in an emergency. Such doors may have alarms or delayed exit latches to discourage misuse.


"Illegal" is against or contrary to the law. In the context of the question the document or note is not contrary to any known law-but it can be argued that its legitimacy is null and void-similar to a cheque without a valid signature or valid date. The document is therefore "alegal" but by no means, illegal.

Can you buy marijuana seeds legally in California?

go to the medical doctor and say u have a problem with ur back then they will run a test to make sure u do, then they will give u ur medical card

A collection agency threatened to sue Martha for the unpaid hospital bills from her heart operation She signed a promissory note at a high but not illegal rate of interest What result?

It is valid because she signed it.