

Is it illegal to stab squirrels with pencils?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is it illegal to stab squirrels with pencils?
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Is it illegal to shoot squirrels?

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Butterfly knives are not illegal to carry in MN, but it is illegal to use it as a weapon, so just don't stab anyone.

Is it illegal to have squirrels in captivity?

actuially it isn't its welcome in America its like a pet

Is to legal to shoot squirrels whenever?

No, in the UK Red Squirrels are protected, shooting or trapping of any kind is illegal.

Is graphite dangerous?

You're probably thinking of lead. Lead was found poisoness long ago, and was removed from pencils and gasoline. We use graphite in pencils today, which is safe, non-toxic. I'm sure if you ate it, it wouldn't taste yummy, and it could stab your stomache or something, but hopefully you know it isn't smart to eat pencils...

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There is nothing known to be poisonous to squirrels. It is illegal to poison a squirrel so therefore, they are no known poisons for squirrels.

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No, however it is generally illegal to hunt them unless you have the proper permits.

Are flying squirrels illegal to have as pets in Kingston New York?

No, they are fine as long as you have a permit.

Is there any reliable address where one can purchase pencils for promotional purposes?

There is no reliable address where one can purchase pencils for promotional purposes. That may be illegal and the law enforcement in your area will be contacted.

Can pencil lead kill your female organs?

Pencils do not contain lead, contrary to popular belief. Pencils contain graphite, which doesn't kill anything on its own. Pencil "lead" is not lead. It is graphite. The only way to hurt your female organs with a pencil is if you stab your self in the gut.

Is shooting squirrels in city limits illegal?

Depends on what city you live in but, yes, usually hunting and/or discharging a firearm is illegal within the city limits.

Is it illegal to have a pet squirrel in South Carolina?

According to the Colorado Division of Wildlife, it is illegal to own wildlife in Colorado. On their list of legal mammals squirrels are not listed.