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It is not something that is punishable, but it is a violation of the U.S. Flag Code.

See related links for more about the United States flag code.
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Q: Is it illegal to step on the US flag?
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Related questions

Who is the flag carrier airline of The US?

There is no flag carrier in the US. It is illegal under the Antitrust Act.

Is it illegal to step on a American flag while at a public school?

It is not, but very disrespectful and may get you into trouble.

Is it illegal to deface the US flag?

If the flag is not your own flag, it can be considered vandalism, which is illegal. Additionally, it is in violation of "Flag Code" contained in Federal Code. Violation of Flag Code is; however, not a punishable act. To read the "Flag Code," visit the Related Link.

Is flag buying illegal?

No, flag buying is not illegal.

Is it illegal to stand on the American Flag?

It is not illegal, per se. It would be very disrespectful and a violation of the US Flag Code. However, the Flag Code holds no legal standing and includes no penalties for violations.

Is it illegal to shred an American flag?

No. The 'flag code' is an advisory set of rules, they are not laws. No crimes are committed if you deface or destroy a US flag.

Is flag burning in the us illegal?

No it is not illegal. Several years ago the Supreme Court ruled that it was freedom of speech and that the 1st amendment protected someone if they burned the flag. It is a form of protest.

Is it illegal to fly any other flag higher than the us flag at anytime anywhere in the us?

The Flag Code is a set of advisory instructions, and while it is part of federal law, it is not illegal to go against it. There are no penalties for failure to comply with it, and indeed, that would be unconstitutional. In the context of the Flag Code itself, no other flag should be flown above or at the same height as the US flag (Texas is often wrongly stated as an exception to this).

Why do illegal immigrants hang the flag upside down?

Illegal immigrants hang the US flag upside down as an act of defiance and protest. They do this when they want a law or ordinance changed so that it will benefit them.

Is it illegal to fly a tattered flag?

It is not illegal to fly a tattered flag, but it is considered disrespectful. It is recommended to replace a tattered flag with a new one to show proper respect for the flag and its symbolism.

Is it illegal to burn the American flag in Texas?

No that action is protected as Free Speech under the US Constitution.

Is it illegal to burn the gay flag?

No, it's not illegal, but it is hostile.