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Not very different from texting while driving. If it isn't it should be.

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Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in Ohio?

In Brooklyn, Ohio it is illegal tio use a cell phone while driving

What is illegal while driving?

Drinking, shooting a firearm, sleeping - to name a few.I just want to add that it is illegal to use cellphones specially texting while driving.

Is it illegal to use your cell phone while driving in Tennessee?

Yes, it is illegal to use a handheld cell phone while driving in Tennessee. Drivers are prohibited from holding a cellphone or other electronic device to conduct voice communication. Hands-free devices are allowed.

Why is it illegal to use mobile phones while driving?

i think becuz yeah

When is it against the law for drivers to not use their cellular devices while driving?

you are not to use your cell phone at all when driving so even if your at a stop light its illegal to use your phone while on the road

Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in Indiana?

Indiana law bans the use of cellphones while driving for those under 18, and bans texting while driving for all drivers. The offense is a primary offense, which means you do not have to have another offense to be stopped. Ohio law bans the use of cellphones while driving for those under 18 and texting while driving is banned for all drivers. The offense is a primary one for those under 18 and a secondary offense for those 18 and older.

What is illegal driving?

illegal driving is when u take drugs or somthing else that is bad and use it on urself and drive

What is Pennsylvania's law on cell phone use while driving?

No, it is not illegal in PA. California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Washington are the current states with a ban on talking on the phone while driving. It should be illegal: it's dangerious, crashes have happened, people have died.

What is one organization or group trying to stiop teens from texting and talking while driving?

Osha is trying to ban texting and driving by teaming up with the Department of Transportation to pass a law saying it is illegal to use a cell phone while driving

Is it illegal to talk on cell phone while driving in North Carolina?

No, but it is alowed if you use a hands free device such as Bluetooth

In which provinces in Canada is it illegal to use a phone while driving a car?

The Canadian provinces that ban handheld cell phone use and text messaging while driving include British Columbia, Manitoba, NewFoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward island and Quebec.

What are some pros that would happen if texting while driving was illegal?

There would be fewer people murdered by drivers who think it's more important tu use their phone than to concentrate on their driving !