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Q: Is it important for society to be able to categorize an artist Why or why not?
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Sociology is important for media students because it helps them understand the societal influences and dynamics that shape media production, distribution, and consumption. By studying sociology, media students can gain insights into how media reflects and influences culture, power dynamics, and social issues, allowing them to create more impactful and responsible media content.

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Keith Haring was considered an important artist because with his art, he was able to raise awareness to AIDS related young adults and he raised a lot of money for Kids programs and AIDS foundations. :D

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Education has an important effect on society. The better educated a society is the better it is able to produce rules or laws that allow its members to have a better quality of life.

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Sociology in education helps to analyze the structure and organization of educational systems, understand social inequalities in access to education, and examine the impact of social factors on students' learning experiences and outcomes. It also contributes to shaping educational policies and practices that promote equity and inclusivity in schools.

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Research is extremely important in any society. For example, in WW2, the USA was able to use atomic research to drop an atomic bomb on Japan and end the war.

What is the importance of research to society?

Research is extremely important in any society. For example, in WW2, the USA was able to use atomic research to drop an atomic bomb on Japan and end the war.

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Written languages are crucial for communication, record-keeping, and the transmission of knowledge across generations. They enable complex ideas to be captured and shared in a precise and lasting form, fostering cultural continuity, intellectual development, and the advancement of society.

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What is personality profile of an artist?

Anyone can be an artist . He or she may not be able to put it into form. An artist is a person who has an artistic mind and has the talent to convey his thoughts to others.

What is entrance lever salary for makeup artist?

A makeup artist salary will not be easy to calculate because much of it based on the amount of work they are able to acquire. A good artist should be able to charge at least $30 per hour.

What qualifications does being an artist take?

To be an artist , you should be able to understand the basic principles of art , then you should be able to read it through everything you see around you and then be able to do it yourself. Usually this happen most in gifted and talented people. Other people needs to practice much more to be able to get that touch!