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if you get hit in the eye with a soccer ball chances are you will be okay you should se a doctor if you lose sight , have blurred vision, tenderness when comming in conact, or sudden headaches

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Q: Is it important to see a doctor when you get hit in the eye really bad by a soccer ball?
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Can you make a soccer kit soccer ball and other equiment?

Not really but you can buy them really cheap

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Go see a Doctor.

Where does a soccet ball really come from?

If you mean a soccer ball the ancient Chinese soldiers used to play a game that is like modern soccer. except thaat they used a pig's bladder blown up as a soccer ball.

Why isn't soccer called soccer ball?

It isn't called soccer ball because the soccer ball is the ball you use in soccer. See? I have actually heard people call it soccer and soccer ball.

Is it normal to pop a soccer ball just by standing on it?

NO! depends how big you are and how CHEAP the soccer ball is though and you shouldnt stand on your soccer ball anyways because it can make it lopsided and you can also hurt your ankles really bad if you slip.!!

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both you can use a scorr bal for a bask ball

What does soccer entail?

Soccer is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each, aiming to score by kicking a ball into the opposing team's goal. Players must use their feet, head, or body to control and pass the ball. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins. Soccer requires skill, strategy, teamwork, and physical fitness.

What did a soccer ball first look like?

A soccer ball got its name from England i am pretty sure.

What is the most imported positons on a soccer field?

if you mean important, I would have to say defense, they protect the goal from the ball, and it is really fun to throw someone off their balance! :)

When a soccer ball is headed from one player to player two across the soccer field what is the projectile?

soccer ball, just did it

What means devotion?

It means you really adore something. I adore your new soccer ball!