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The key in your question may be 'successful' instead of 'lawful'.

If an association waits until a home is in foreclosure to collect long, past-due assessments, the association may not be successful in collecting what is owed.

Best practices dictate that the association work with association counsel to collect past-due assessments.


Yes. It is lawful to record an HOA lien on a home that is in foreclosure. In fact, in some states HOA liens are given a special status, much like property tax liens, regardless of their recording order. See related link.

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Q: Is it lawful to place a HOA lien on a home that is in foreclosure?
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If your home is in foreclosure status can a lien be placed for a unsecured debt?

YES. Condo Fees

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No it is not difficult, however they would need to obtain a lawful judgment in order to place a lien on any identifiable property.

What is the difference between a foreclosure and short sale?

A foreclosure is the surrender of the property to the lien holder for nonpayment of the debt. A short sale is the sale of the property before the completion of the foreclosure in an attempt by the home buyer and the lender to avoid foreclosure proceedings.

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Yes. Most homes that go into foreclosure have liens against the owners.Yes. Most homes that go into foreclosure have liens against the owners.Yes. Most homes that go into foreclosure have liens against the owners.Yes. Most homes that go into foreclosure have liens against the owners.

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Can a lien lead to foreclosure?

Check this post, it talks about liens and foreclosure.

When can a lien lead to foreclosure?

A real estate lien creates a secured debt by providing the lender or creditor holding the lien with a security interest in your property. Although your mortgage lender attaches a lien to your home as a matter of course, any other real estate liens that attach to the property do so because of debts you left unpaid. In certain situations, property liens can result in foreclosure.

What happens to to second lien if borrower defaults on first lien?

It may be accelerated and payable from the excess proceeds of the auction held by the first lienor in foreclosure, if there is any excess. --- improve the answer: If seond lien is not a superior lien (e.g. Tax lien is superior than MGT lien), when the first lien is foreclosured the second lien will be washed out --- Not exists any more. However, a superior lien, even a second lien, will still survive the foreclosure process which means the property owner (who has bought the property during foreclosure) still needs to pay.

Where do you get a deed of lien of foreclosure?

A deed of lien can be given to you from your lender. If you are having a hardship that is beyond your control, (ie., terminal illness, forced divorce, long term hospital stay and can't work), and it creates a circumstance so that you cannot pay your mortgage and you have to foreclose, then you can write to your lender and request that they give you a deed of lien on your foreclosure. If they accept your request and give you the deed of lien then your foreclosure won't go on your credit. It may help however for the lender to accept your request if they see that you did try to sell your home first.

Which type of lien has highest priority?

Liens for property taxes have highest priority in a foreclosure regardless of when the lien was filed.

You filed chap 7 bankruptcy 6 years ago and have been making payments can you give back the home to the lien holder without going through foreclosure?

You can give back the home to the lien holder without going through foreclosure. You just need to make arrangements with the lender. It is not smart at this point to surrender your house after so many payments.