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They won't go to jail, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea.

The age of cosnent is 16 and unless married the mother gets custody. The father have to prove paternity in court to be able to petition for visitation and custody. and to pay child support.

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Q: Is it legal for 20 year old and 17 year old to have a baby and who get custody in mississippi?
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No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.

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