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Dating is legal regardless of age. If you're using "dating" as a euphemism for "sex", then in Minnesota ... it's still legal. The age of consent in Minnesota is 16, but people older than 13, but younger than 16, can legally consent to sex with someone not more than four years older.

There are exceptions (if the older person is in a "position of authority" over the younger), but without complicating factors more than that, the situation as you have stated it is not illegal.

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Q: Is it legal for a 14-year old girl to date a 17-year old boy in Minnesota?
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It most certainly is!

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There really isn't a problem with it. There are no laws about dating ages, so it is legal to date. There are laws about sexual activity and depending on the state, this is probably not an issue either. In most places you have to be at least 16 to consent, if not 17 or 18.

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It sould be legal but did your parents agree

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Not really at least i dont think..its under age

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Yes, there are no laws preventing dating at any age, however as a reference, the age of consent in Minnesota is 16.

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Yes but strictly no sexual contact til the 14year olds 16.

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Can a 17year old male date a 17 year old female?

There are no laws about dating. But do be aware that there are laws regarding sexual contact, though at 17 they are probably okay.