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The AOC for the state of Wisconsin is 18, therefore the adult male could be charged with several criminal felonies. The consent of the minor's parents is irrelevant as parental authority cannot supercede existing state or Federal Laws. All states reserve the right to charge and prosecute an adult involved in a relationship with a minor without the cooperation of the minor or the minor's parents or legal guardian. Likewise authorities reserve the right to charge and prosecute any adults (including parents) who are privy to illegal acts.

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Q: Is it legal for a 20-year-old male and a 16-year-old girl to engage in sexual intercourse with parental consent in the state of Wisconsin?
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Can a minor get married in Wisconsin?

Only with parental consent.

In teenage words and parental explanation what does slam you mean?

To have sexual intercourse with you

Can you get a nose piercing if you are under sixteen in Wisconsin with parental consent?

No, you cannot.Under Wisconsin law, if you are under the age of sixteen, you are only permitted to have an ear piercing with parental consent.Once you reach the age of 16, you may get any kind of piercing as long as you have parental consent.

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Is it legal in Wisconsin for someone under the age of 18 to get married without a parental consent?

No, they will not issue a marriage license without parental permission if you are under 18.

What is the youngest age a minor can get married at in Wisconsin?

With parental permission, 16. Without permission, 18.

Can you get married to a fourteen year old girl if you are sixteen in the state of Wisconsin?

No. You both must be at least 16 to get married in Wisconsin. 16 and 17 requires parental consent.

Is it possible to move to a different family members house at the age of 16 in wisconsin?

Not without parental permission.

If you are 16 and your boyfriend is 18 can you get married in Wisconsin without parental consent?

I doubt it. But even if that is legal, it's really bad idea. If you are under 18, parental consent is required.

Can a 18 year old marry at 16 year old girl in the state of Wisconsin?

Yes if the minor have parental consent.

Is it possible for a fourteen year old girl to move in with her seventeen year old boyfriend with parental consent in Wisconsin?


Do you still have to pay child support if you give up parental rights in Wisconsin?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.