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I would imagine so. Just as if you were smoking MJ at the park and a neighbor across the street saw you smoking it. They would be able to call the cops on you, so i wouldn't imagine it would be much different.

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Q: Is it legal for a cop to pull you over because an off duty officer called him and said he thought he saw the occupants rolling a marijuana cigarrette on the dash?
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Absolute and Unqualified

Can you become a correctional officer if you have a possession of marijuana on your record?

Very much doubt it.

Can SCRAM device detect marijuana?

The scram can detect t.h.c in the air when your around it. my parole officer asked me if i was smoking marijuana and luckily i wasnt but the moniter detected it.

How strict are fake marijuana laws?

say if u shat on toast and gave it to a police officer

Can you go to jail for possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle if you were not the driver?

It depends on the officer and where the marijuana is located, the driver would definitely be responsible but if it's in your vicinity then you can also be in trouble.

How can a police officer can tell your high on marijuana by looking at your tongue?

They cannot know for sure, but it is an indicator. When smoking marijuana, the tongue sometimes becomes dry or white. In slang it is known as "having cotton mouth." There are also oral swabs that many officers carry. The swab tests for marijuana. The officer can swab the tongue and get a result right there on scene.

Can police officers have a medical marijuanna license?

Yes, but most police agencies would not permit an officer to work if he or she was under the influence of marijuana or tested positive for marijuana use.

How back does a swab test go on marijuana?

My probation officer told me 5-7 days after smoking.

How much jail time for buying a pound of marijuana from an undercover officer in FL?

Up to five years.

What are marijuana laws in Texas?

Completely illegal. Ask the best drug officer on the planet, Barry cooper. He explains how the officers in Texas, as well as other places, handle marijuana "crimes".

How bad is it having possession of marijuana and possession of alcohol and resisting a peace officer if I'm a juvenile and illegal?

You will get the chair.

Is it legal to buy marijuana seeds in Texas off the internet?

Both yes and no. Police like to make their own laws. Technically a marijuana seed is not marijuana, however police can charge a person with intent to distribute marijuana for having nothing but seeds. Consult Barry cooper, former drug officer of Texas and current marijuana rights expert. Go to or find him on social media.