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Q: Is it legal for across the street neighbor to video your house or driveway?
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If am building a house and the driveway has a mail box from a neighbor from across the street at the middle end of your new driveway what do you do?

Talk to your postmaster, the Post Office has exclusive jurisdiction over all issues concerning Mailboxes.

Can my neighbor make her driveway higher than my house?

I don't see why not.

Did Abraham Lincoln die in the theater or in the house across the street?

The house across the street from the theater.

What are the release dates for The House Across the Street - 2013?

The House Across the Street - 2013 was released on: USA: 2013

Where is Gramma in Wimpy Wonderland?

if you go to gregs street and go 1 street to the left. The first HOUSE you see is grandma's house. shovel her driveway and you continue.

What actors and actresses appeared in The House Across the Street - 1914?

The cast of The House Across the Street - 1914 includes: Harry Carter as Big Mike

Where does Irene Dyk live?

well take a left on elm street. then when you see a house with a mailbox take a right. its on the right, its the house with a driveway.

Is it illegal to park across the street from a driveway?

In most places, it is legal to park across the street from a driveway as long as you are not blocking the driveway or impeding access to it. It is important to check local parking regulations, as some areas may have specific rules regarding parking near driveways.

There are two kids smoking pot across the street from my house. Should I call the cops?

Are you kidding?!?!?! YES! Even if you aren't sure you should just in case. I got my neighbor in jail because I called.

What are the ratings and certificates for The House Across the Street - 1949?

The House Across the Street - 1949 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)

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What do you do after you pass the whurley street kids on wimpy wonderland?

You get to Grandma's house and shovel the driveway so you could find Manny