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no because I do it

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Q: Is it legal for bartenders to drink in Iowa while working?
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Is it legal to drink alcoholic beverages while on a boat in Virginia?

I dont know, but it is legal to drink on a boat in Wisconsin.

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Is it legal for an employer to tell it's staff that they can not have anything to drink durning an shift?

IT depends on the laws of the country in which you live and if there are any safety issues with drinking while working.

Is it legal in Oregon to drink an alcoholic beverage while operating a boat?

no you can't drink while operating a boat in oregon. but can you drink while anchored or tied up to a dock for a extended time?

Is it legal for a bartender to drink while working Fl?

Yes, if their employer approves of them taking one. However, if they are the 'Licensed Manager' on duty and in charge of the premises, they may NOT be intoxicated.

Can you drink if your under aged while working at a bar?

No you may not. Underage is for all circumstances.

What law says you cannot drink while working in Wisconsin?

The law of Common Sense.

Is it legal for a passenger to drink in a motor home if seated behind the driver?

Each state has their own laws concerning open containers. In Calif.,,it is legal for passengers to drink while the motorhome in motion.

What is the best supplement to take while working out?

If legal, my first choice would be Protein.

Why is the unwise to drink alcohol while working outside in extremely hot weather?

Alcohol dehydrates you

If you are at a friends house and drink available alcohol while underage what would the legal consequences in NZ be?

don't get caught

Can you drink beer while taking amoxicillin?

The general consensus among the medical community is that a couple of drinks consumed while on antibiotics is fine.