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Q: Is it legal to ask for proof of purchase at the door?
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You need to ask them about that.

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contact the company that claims you owe them money and ask them to produce proof that a purchase was made by you. If you did purchase the goods and paid for them try and find a proof that payment was made.

Can undocumented person get a New York license?

Yes. When applying for a NYC ID card, no one will ask for immigration status or proof of legal entry into the United States. The residency requirement does not call for proof of legal residency.

What if you have a ticket to a cancelled show?

Email or Call the people or person that you got it off and ask for your money back but have some proof of purchase.

Legal proof of Christianity of Hindu converted to Christianity in India?

Legal proof? Well there are many many converts to Christianity in India from Hindus & Muslims. In fact all Indian Christians were Hindus first. It was the British Missionaries who converted many to Christianity. If you need more proof visit your local protestant church and ask them.

Where is the proof of purchase for Glee Complete season 1?

Some have an insert, others don't. When I called to ask he told me to photocopy my receipt and send that in

How did proof from d12 come up with the name proof?

Why Don't You Go Ask Him.

How do you check viriginty?

Ask, there is no physical proof.

How can you get proof of insurance withdrawal from Pioneer life insurance of Illinois?

Contact the company and ask for such proof

Can employer ask for driver's license during the interview process?

If the employer wishes to check if the applicants identification is legit as the applicant claims it to be, then it is alright and legal for the employer to ask for a proof of identification example given driver's license.

Who can legally ask to see your license?

Anyone can ask you and it's perfectly legal. It's illegal to refuse to show your ID to a police officer. And in any other situation that you say no, that will just mean that you can't buy certain things without proof of age.

What do you have to do to make sure child support stop when the child becomes 18 or graduates from high school in Texas?

Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.