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In FL, if both parents are alive and both have custody, then both signatures are required.

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Q: Is it legal to get married in Florida at 16 when your boyfriend is 20 with only one parent's permission and the other one either doesn't know about it or won't sign the paper?
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Can you get married in Florida if you are 16 and your boyfriend is 20 and you have your dad's permission but not your mom's and they have equal custody?

In FL, if both parents are alive and both have custody, then both signatures are required.

If you are sixteen and your boyfriend is seventeen is it legal to get married in Texas?

If both of your parents give permission, you can get married. Without their permission you will have to wait until you are both 18.

Can a 16 year old set up home with a boyfriend?

If they get married they can. Or if they get parental permission from her parents.

Can a 16-year-old get married in Florida with out parental consent?

No. A minor can not get married in any state without the parents and/or the courts permission.

In where in Florida can you get married if you and your boyfriend have two kids and your parents wont give their consent?

If you are under the age of 18, you have to have parental consent or a court order to get married.

Can you and your boyfriend get married with out his parents consent if you are pregnant and he is only 15 and you are 17?

No. Both of you will require permission to get married. And depending on the state, a 15 year old may require a court order to get married.

Can you move out of your parents' house at 17 without permission in Florida?

Your parents are responsible for you until you reach the age of majority. Which means they decide where you live. In Florida that is the age of 17 With out Parents Permission

Can your 18 year old boyfriend be your legal guardian when he have your parents permission?

No, a judge would never allow your parents to do that to your boyfriend.

Can a 16 year old girl move in with her 17 year old boyfriend without her parents permission in the state of Kentucky?

{| |- | No they cannot. And they can't get married without parental permission either. Until they are adults they remain the responsibility of their parents. That includes the parents determining where thay can live. |}

Can a 17 year old girl move in with her 19 year old boyfriend in Virginia?

If she has the permission of her parents. Otherwise she will either have to be married or turn 18 in Virginia.

What age you can get married?

In the United States, 16 with your parents permission. And 17 and older without your parents permission.

Can you get married at 17 to your 22 year old boyfriend in Tennessee without your parents consent?

Not in Tennessee, you need their permission. Once you turn 18 you can marry without consent.