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yes becuse he is old to think by himself

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Q: Is it legal to question a minor without parents consent if minor is the victim?
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When lifeguarding and assisting an injured minor whose parents are there do you first need parent consent?

It depends on the situation. If the victim is on land, then yes you need parental consent. But, if the victim is in the water, you go and rescue the victim without parental consent.

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A:Sending mean text messages, spreading rumors about the victims online, posting the pictures without their consent, acquiring personal information of the victim

What is the penalty for being videotaped without their consent in the state of Texas?

Being taped w/o consent doesn't carry a penalty, that person is a victim - not a criminal. Setting up the taping, that's the crime - but I don't know what the punishment is.

Consent to give first aid must be obtained from every victim who is?

Conscious. An unconscious victim is assumed to want first aid assistance, since they are incapable of giving consent.Consent must be attained before a rescuer may touch a patient. Failure to do so can result in prosecution from the patient.Given consent - The adult, (18+), patient that is conscious can give consent directly but a parent or legal guardian must give consent for a conscious minor or a mentally handicapped patient.Implied consent - The unconscious patient can be helped without consent but a rescuer should ask / look for their next of kin first.

If you touch a girls buttock are you raping her?

Without consent, this is considered sexual assault. Rape is defined as the crime of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse without consent and against the victim's will. Sexual assault is when a person intentionally touches another person in a sexual nature and the other person doesn't give consent. However if the two of you are dating and she lets you or if you know it's Ok then do it :P

When do you automatically have the consent of a victim to give first aid?

any adult who cannot speak

You know a person is going to get engaged he is 22 years old and the girl is only 16 years old is it againts the law?

Yed and No, because No if he hasn't had sex with her, or done anything sexual to her. Also they couldn't get married without parents consent, and i myself when i was younger was the victim fo sexual offenders and they always said if i was 16 charges wouldn't be as bad because 16 is age of consent in some states, like mine Florida.

The age of consent in Minnesota is 16 Can a 30 year old sleep with a 16 year old Do they need parental permission?

The age of consent in Minnesota is 16. * If the actor is in a position of authority, the age of consent is 18. * If the victim is under the age of 13 the actor must be no more than 36 months older. * If the victim is 13, 14 or 15 the actor must be no more than 48 months older.

What is the legal definition of sexual assault?

Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the victim. This can include a wide range of actions, from touching to penetration, and can be committed by someone known or unknown to the victim. It is considered a criminal offense in most jurisdictions.

How does extortion differ from robbery?

Robbery differs from extortion in that the property is taken against the will and without the consent of the victim, unlike extortion, where the victim consents, although unwillingly, to surrender money or property. Another distinguishing factor is that the nature of the threat for robbery is limited to immediate physical harm to the victim or his or her home. Extortion, on the other hand, encompasses a greater variety of threats

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If your minor son commits a sexual offense against a minor female can you be held liable in Virginia?

The truth is that any party can sue any other party for almost any reason. Although a civil suit could be brought against the parents by the parents of the victim and/or the victim the case would be very difficult to win. The plaintiff would need to prove beyond question that the parents of the alledged abuser had prior knowledge of the attack or was a potential threat to the victim and did nothing to intervene.