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No, it is not legal. You must have a permit to harvest hermit crabs from the beach even if it is only one. Additionally, the majority of the hermit crabs found on the beach especially in North America are marine hermit crabs and they will not be able to survive in the kind of habitat that is designed for Land Hermit Crabs. They need a full salt water reef setup and must live under water.

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It is legal to keep hermit crabs for pets but I am not sure about others.

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Q: Is it legal to take home a hermit crab from the beach?
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Can you get a hermit crab to molt somehow?

A hermit crab only molts when it feels it needss to. Make sure you have plenty of soil in your hermit crab home.

Why does a hermit crab live inside an empty snail shell?

They livde to gether because the shell is a home for the hermit crab!

An animal which does not have home of it own. its find an empty shell and take it as home?

Hermit crab.

An animal which does not have home of its own its find an empty shell and take it for its home?

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You found your hermit crab dead without it shell on what did you do wrong?

well, did you have spare shells for him to move into? if not, he couldn't desperately find a new home. if you do and you have other hermit crabs in the tank, then your best bet is that he was in a fight for a shell that another hermit crab was interested in and, obviously, lost the fight. sorry for the loss of your hermit crab and i am sure that it wasn't your fault entirely.

Saltwater tank and can not figure out why your red-legged hermit crab ate all your saltwater fish?

hermit crabs should not be put with other animals and your hermit crab needs a better home. Glad i could help p.s 35cm wide tanks can hold 3 hermit crabs

How often does a hermit crab change shells?

When ever a hermit crab grows out of its old shell it finds a new one to call home. There is no set amount of times a hermit crab will change its shells. The hermit crab will only change shells if it has grown to big for its original one. Otherwise, the hermit crab will not change shells. It all depends on the hermit crab's growth rate and size.

What type of land crabs are best to buy?

* It's best to buy a hermit crab with a natural shell rather than a painted one if possible. The paint from hermit crab shells often flakes off over time and can be eaten by the crab. The paint flakes can also find their way inside the shell and can irritate the crab's skin. Some crabs have even had paint flakes puncture their skin. * Before a hermit crab is brought home, all of the necessary hermit crab care items should also be bought if the pet owner doesn't already have them. These include several hermit crab shells of various sizes, a sponge for his water, hermit crab food and a large enough cage to house the crab and all of his supplies. == == anymore questions?? contact me at

Why do you have to wash you hermit crab?

You don't. While it's suggested that you bathe your hermit crab when you first bring it home to flush debris out of it's shell and look for mites, as long as your provide pools deep enough for your crab to get their shell opening into, you do not need to bath it.

What crab lives in a shell of other fish?

The hermit crab. It occupies a shell just large enough to fit its body. When it outgrows its current 'home', it searches for a larger one.

What does it mean when a hermit crab is laying on an empty shell?

It means the crab has outgrown its shell home and is looking for a bigger one. You can find more shells at most pet stores.

Does a hermit crab come out of its shell when its pregnant?

well, technically it does. but it is out long enough to lay the eggs and to go back to shelter in its cozy crab home. good question though