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No, kissing is defined to be directly pressing ones lips onto another, not the chap stick.

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Q: Is it like kissing someone when you use there chap stick?
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Is kissing someone you love different then kissing someone you like?

yes, kissing someone that you love is different to kissing someone that you like by the way that you don't feel the same way when you kiss someone that you like because you don't have that spark of enjoyment or passion so i hope that this answers your question.

How do you say chap stick in Spanish?

You'd have to say something like bálsamo para los labios which is lip balm.

How do you know if someone likes kissing you?

Ask them if they like kissing you and they should tell you straight forward.

What is is mean if you like kissing someone?

you either like them or you just like their kisses

What is passionate kissing?

kissing when you actual meaning like when you truely love someone you kiss, not like your drunk and you kiss someone and have no meaning for it at all.

Is blowing up a balloon after someone else has like kissing them?

No. Kissing em is more fun XD

How do you make it look like your french kissing someone without actually kissing?

lick thiermoth not thier tounge

What does it mean if you dreamed of someone kissing you on the cheek but you ignored it?

You don't like them

When is the right time to start kissing?

if you feel like you really love someone, and this someone really loved you and cared about you.

Is kissing someone you love for the first time the same as kissing your arm or something?

No, not at all. Kissing your arm is just like kissing something soft. Kissing someone on the lips is a whole different experience. This is because the other persons lips move and they might move their tongue around in your mouth. Good luck with your first kiss buddy!

How do you get a friend to kiss you?

You cannot force a kiss on someone. Most people do not like kissing.

How do you position lips on a trombone?

like you're kissing someone and make a rasberry sound