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Q: Is it likely to get pregnant 5 days after your period stops if there was no protection or withdrawal?
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Will birth control cause a withdrawal period even if you are pregnant?

You get a withdrawal period AFTER you go off birth control.

If me and my boyfriend didn't use protection and he used the pull out method and I am a little late on my period what is the chance I am pregnant?

The chance is pretty good. People who practice the withdrawal method are called "parents."

How likely are you to get pregnant on your period?

not likely

Can you get pregnant if you had intercourse one week after your period with no protection but got your period the following month?

If you get your period you aren't pregnant.

What happens if your bf didn't withdrawal a week before your period?

You'll get pregnant!

Can a woman get pregnant the day her period goes off?

Yes, you can, so it's important to always use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant. If you miss your next period, take a pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant on your period day?

Yes. You can get pregnant anytime. Always use protection if you do not want to get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant the night before you start your period and the next day have your period?

Yes. You can get pregnant anytime. Always use protection if you do not want to get pregnant.

What day of your period can you get pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period

Are you more likely to get pregnant right after your period is over?

No. You can get pregnant before, during and after your period.

Is it likely to get pregnant during your period if your unprotected?

"Likely", no. But it has happened.

Can you get pregnant 2 days before you period if you are on the pill and using protection?

I would say it is 98% unlikely to get pregnant 2 days before you period while you're on the pill and using protection.