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The question is, does he know if you like him? Chances are, he doesn't actually know, you just think he does.

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Q: Is it mean for a guy that knows you like him to go for your friend?
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What does that mean if the guy you like's friend looks at you and smiles and he knows that the guy you like likes you? means that the guy you like, likes you!

What does it mean if a guy you like walks pasts you and hugs your friend is he tring to get my attention or he just being mean to me?

you should ask your friend if anything is going on between them and make sure she knows that you like that guy.

What does it mean when your guy friend continually tries to fix you up with a mutual guy friend?

It might mean that knows you like HIM but he doesn't like YOU but he feels bad so he tries to make you feel better w/ a different guy

What does that mean if the guy you like's friend pushes him to you and tells him to talk to you?

Means that he told his friend that he likes you and his friends trying to get him to talk to you. Or he knows you like him and told his friend this so his friend getting him to talk with you.

Will a guy tell his friend if he knows you like the friend?

always if they are good friends

Why is your friend talking the guy that you like and she knows?

Maybe because she's not a true friend?

When a guy knows you like him and he says cool to it but then acts like he likes you after and all that and used to like you but then denies it to some people but tells my friend what does that mean?

It means the guy likes you.Go out with him have fun.

I like this guy and a mutal friend who knows who he likes said i will tell you but i have to tell him im telling you first does this mean the boy i like likes me also he knows i like him?

Maybe. No One Know's Except For Him.

What does that mean if a guy who has a crush on you and knows that you like him through your friend doesnt ask you out and its been a year?

well then he's probably shy

What does it mean when a guy's friends tease him about you?

It means the guy's friend has a thing for you, he likes you but knows he can't have you, so he teases his friend about you.

Why does the guy you like's friend keep looking at you when it's not obvious that you like his friend at all?

maybe HE likes youu, or maybe he knows that the guy that YOU like, likes you back .

When the guy you like is with his friend in the cafeteria and his friend who you don't know smiles at you Does the guy you like Like you?

It can mean the guy YOU like, likes you. Or it can mean the guy you like's friend, likes you. Sorry if that doesn't make sense. I'm very bad at giving advice! :-)