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If you're only 15, it is possible that you are not yet regular in your cycle, especially if you're at school and around a lot of other girls. 'light' doesn't mean anything, it is just how your cycle is

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Q: Is it normal When your menstruation long about 2 weeks but its light for a 15 yr old?
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No all the spotting should be light , and not last as long as your normal period. Yes, this is very normal during the early weeks of pregnancy.

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Breast pain is common but not a normal part of the menstrual cycle or menstruation, if you do experience breast tenderness it may be due to hormonal imbalance so check for solutions to this. Your breasts can be tender around ovulation, which occurs around two weeks before your period, and from then up until menstruation or even during menstruation - everyone is different.

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You work out how long it is since the FIRST day of you last period.

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it is normal as long as the couple still trust each other

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Yes, very much recommended, if it is abnormally long compared to your other menstruation cycles.

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for a regualr 28 day cycle it should be about 2 weeks... you will ovulate about 2 weeks after the first day of your period

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3 weeks

What things must you take note of during menstruation?

How long your period lasts, how heavy or light the flow is, how bad are your cramps / mood, the days between your menstruation and last but not least how often you are changing tour pad / tampon.