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It's okay to have hair on your chest everyone does humans have hair all over there bodies they're just short if the hair on your chest starts getting long and you feel uncomfortable about it ask your parents if you can shave it or wax it (WARNING waxing is pretty painful so you better be sure that you want to get it waxed) but in conclusion it is 100% normal to have hair on your chest even if your a girl

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Q: Is it normal for a girl to have hair on her chest?
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Girl and have hair on your chest?

Yes, you can be a girl and have hair on your chest. It's normal to have a little bit of hair on your chest even if you're female i good way to check is to see if u have a penis or not.

Can woman have chest hair?

yeah, it's normal.

Does burned pumpkin seed's give your chest hair?

NO burned pumpkin seeds do not give you chest hair because if a girl ate it or put it on her body she wouldn't get hair on chest because girls dont get chest hair

What age do you get chest hair at?

If you're a girl I hope you never get chest hair. If you're a boy it can vary from many different ages.

What effects does eating a girl out have on a guy?

It grows hair on their chest

Should you have hair around chest and nipples?

Yep . . . that is quite normal.

Is it normal for girls to grow chest hair?

Not particularly, unless on steroids.

Is it normal to grow hair on your chest at 14?

Congratulations! Your ptuitary gland is in action! It is normal to start growing hair as early as 12. You have started puberty

Why is your chest hairy but your hair is not?

Because "hair" is hair ... and having lots of chest hair makes for a hairy chest.

Will hair grow for girls bitween arm and chest?

Yes and no.It depends on the genes.But it is normal in most cases.

What does dark hair on baby chest mean?

It's completely normal for newborn babies to have some body hair. This falls out within a few days or weeks.

Is it normal to be 17 and have hair all over your legs and your face is full of hair?

If you are a boy then yes its normal to have facial hair and body hair. If you are a girl then hair on your legs is normal but not all over your face. The facial hair may indicate a hormonal problem and needs to be checked out by a doctor.