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It's not uncommon but it's not "normal" in the sense that it's not healthy or good and you have to do something about it!

  1. Separate the rabbits
  2. Treat any wounds (first aid and vet care)
  3. Socialize the aggressive rabbit and create a habitat for her that helps her feel safe and secure

Please see the related question What should you do if your rabbits are fighting? for more information (linked below).

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12y ago

Rabbits should not bite each other. If the rabbit is biting another rabbit that it is in with they need to be separated.

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Related questions

What can rabbits bite?

It depends if it is a domesticated, vaccinated,Rabbit bit, no, unless the bite gets infected. If the rabbit was a wild rabbit yes you may be affected by rabies and other sicknesses that the rabbit might not be influenced by but you will be. If another rabbit bit your rabbit or so its better to be sure it wont get infected or if the wound doesn't heal your rabbit can be affected by flystrike Hope i could help

What is rabbit salt spool?

A salt spool is another name for a salt lick. Rabbits lick, bite, or chew this to absorb sodium in which they need.

Are male rabbits supposed to bite female rabbits when matting?

No, but they may bite an uncooperative doe. A male rabbit that bites it's mate is not a desirable breeder in my rabbitry.

How come rabbits bite?

If you irritate a rabbit, it will bite you or nibble you to show a warning not to do that again. They will also bite if you take away their food, pull their fur, kick them around, and pull its ears. Rabbits will bite for self - protection and warning.

How do rabbits get rabies?

From another animal bite?

Can a rabbit eat another rabbit?

No, unless the other rabbit is a fake one it might chew on it. Rabbits don't eat meat, they are herbivores which means that they eat only plant material. No. Rabbits don't eat meat. I have a dad rabbit and one of the babies ears were bit off but i think that the dad didnt eat his ears but i dont know what happened to it. Sorry. Rabbits CAN eat each another rabbit. I have seen it happen. And, rabbits CAN eat meat. They CAN be carnivores.

Why does my 5 month lop eared rabbit bite?

Rabbits often bite to defend themselves from predators. They might also bite if they are startled or hungry. Rabbits sometimes bite because they wear their teeth down naturally by chewing things.

Do rabbits and crows mix?

No if you put a crow with a rabbit it will stres a lot and it will bite until it calms down

Is it true if a rabbit bites you your pregnant?

Stupid questionNo, rabbits can bite anyone, even children. Just because a rabbit bites doesn't mean that your pregnant.

How often do rabbits bite?

Rabbits like to bite things in their environment. If you don't "rabbit-proof" and give your rabbit safe things to bite (like apple twigs, untreated grass mats, a plain cardboard box, or an old telephone book), then your rabbit will be destructive and bite things like your furniture, or electrical wires (a big favourite, but the rabbit can be electrocuted! and of course cost your expensive equipment can be ruined; so, don't let this happen). See the related links below about bunny-proofing, and the related question about rabbits playing and what goes in their cages, for details. Rabbits don't bite people (or other animals) unless they're aggressive: e.g. they're angry, frightened, sick/injured, sexually excited, etc. Happy, comfortable rabbits don't bite. If your rabbit bites, you should consider getting it spayed/neutered, take steps to ease the bunny's anxiety, and/or look for signs of illness. See the related questions below about fighting, stress, and signs of illness, and the related link on spay/neuter, for details. Rabbits bite their food every time they eat. See the related question below about what rabbits eat for details and helpful links.

Can rabbits eat packaged cucumber peelings?

Cucumber peelings (packaged or not) aren't healthy for rabbits. If your rabbit really loves them, then it's okay as a treat: a small bite or two every once in awhile is fine. But most rabbits would prefer some fruit or carrot instead, and you can't give your rabbit too many treats because then you'll make him or her sick. The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of treat food per day for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit. You should talk to your vet about whether or not your rabbit is healthy. See the related question below for details and links about a healthy rabbit diet.

Does rabbits bite people?

No,the rabbits not bite people...Only if they have rabies(the zombies)...