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Q: Is it normal for an 18 year old male to smell musky even after bathing?
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What does weed smell like?

Cannabis of different varieties tend to have varying smells. Generally, the smell is musky and earthy, and strong varieties may even smell vaguely like body odor. Some varieties almost smell perfumed, but this can be a sign of poor quality or contamination.

Is it normal for a circumcised penis to smell fishy?

No it is not normal for any penis to smell fishy, Circumcised or not, simple daily cleaning even with just clear water, should prevent any "fishy smell."

Can you give me a long list of stinky musky animals?

Some stinky, musky animals are the skunk, bear, rabbit, snakes, and even cats.

What if your guinea pig has a greasy hind end and it mats easily even though he is bathed monthly and his cage is cleaned weekly what could this be and how may it be cured?

I'm guessing that due to the exessive bathing he's producing more oils than normal. i'd just stop the bathing.

Do ferrets smell like skunks?

Ferrets have an odor that comes from their sebaceous glands in the skin that secretes an oily/waxy matter, which is a musk odor. Ferret that have not been altered will have a more pronounced odor during mating season (especially males - hobs), altered ferrets have less of a smell. The odor will accumulate on their bedding and must be kept clean and washed. The litter box must be cleaned daily and avoid feeding any ferret food that has fish ingredients, which makes their feces smell more.Ferrets that have been altered do have a musky smell from the oil their skin secretes. Some people like the smell and some people don't. Bathing ferrets frequently actually makes them smell more because their oil glands start to overproduce from their dry skinFerrets do smell especially hobs but the smell changes and gets a lot better when they have been neutered . once they are neutered the smell is so much easier to tolerate.

Are bathing caps reliable?

Yes and no. Even though bathing caps keep your hair out of your way while swimming, the water seeps through them and your hair gets wet.

Why does my poo smell of sick when I don't have diarrhea or any other illness?

most people's poo smells 'of sick' even without the runs. youre probably normal.

What do porcupines smell?

It smells like very intense, overpowering B.O. (not Barack Obama LOL!). It tends to want to coat your throat and nasal passages when you breathe. If you have ever been close to a skunk when it sprays - the intensity of the porcupine B.O.-smell can be the same intensity - enough to make you choke or want to throw up.The porcupine used in a nocturnal animal educational presentation at 'Happy Hollow' in San Jose smelled strong and musky. It stunk BAD.

Is it normal that you wana lick and smell socks?

It depends. Most people no; others might have an urge to be disgusting and show off Its not necessarily normal per se, but it is common for people who lack certain minerals to crave them... even rocks.

Why do you get the smell of a hamburger even when you are far away?

because when you are cooking the smell of the bacon and the patties give this smell

What to wear in wild waves?

A swimsuit or a bathing suit(even though they look the same)

Whats yellow creamy sometimes green with no smell discharge?

Any type of yellow or green discharge from the vagina is not a normal occurrence. Even if it has no smell, it can indicate an infection or STD of some type. You should see your doctor or gynecologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.