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It is a type of fish pebbles and it make them change colors i had a white female i feed her the pebbles and she turned purple and pink. and i had a dark blu male now he is red dark blue and sky blue he is preety

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12y ago

well yes and no. I've been researching a while, and many people are saying different things. So, my guess is...yes it's pretty normal. If it turns white, then its sick, if its brown then its either sick or stressed/scared (mostly scared and stressed, the color sorta drains) and if it turns some exotic color then I would check it out, maybe it saw another betta fish and totally freaked out...other then that i dont know.

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Q: Is it normal for betta fish to change color?
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How do you make a Betta Fish change colors?

Betta fish change color by there environment and the types of food that you feed it. If your Betta fish is loosing color that means that your Betta is sick.

Do betta fish change color?

Yes. Betta Fish do change their coloer every now and then. Or if you have a male, he will change his coloer if hes chaseing a female Betta Fish. Or if he sees another male Betta Fish.

Do male betta fish change color?

A male betta has a long flowing tail while a female has a short tail

What is making a Betta fish colorful?

Betta fish derive their color from refraction within a layer of translucent guanine crystals.

Are Betta fish color blind?

Typically a betta will increase in colour, and in some cases change colours somewhat as they age. If your betta begins to lose it's colour, check for water quality problems or an illness.

What is the prettiest fish?

I would probs say a Betta fish because of their color

Why does holding a mirror in front of a betta fish change what that fish does?

The betta fish will see the mirror and then will be curious about it, because the mirror reflects the betta fish and they might think that it is another fish, so the fish will act differently.

Betta fish jumping out of tank to bite finger is this normal?

i have had this happen lots of times whether your feeding them or not... it scares me every time... and it is with different betta fish so i think it is normal!

I have a betta fish and he lives in a 2 gallon fish bowl. I clean it every week but he twitches a lot what should I do?

That's perfectly normal for a betta.

When we put different color gravel in our tank the Betta only moves the white ones with its head. Is this normal or is this a threat to him?

it's not unusual for a fish to play with his rocks.

When does a Betta fish decide to eat?

If the fish is still getting used to it's surroundings, it might not eat. This is normal. Usually if betta fish are comfortable, they will eat as soon as they smell or see the food.

Can you mate different kinds of color betta fish?

Yes how do you think the multicolored bettas came to be the fish are still bettas no matter the color they are.