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This is perfectly normal and will go on for a few weeks. The flow will eventually grow weaker, just like a woman with her period. However, pay attention to your dog. Look for signs of infection, like excessive bleeding, foul odors, listlessness, and eating problems. The post postpartum bleeding can also hide signs of a uterine infection.

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Q: Is it normal for female dog to be spotting 5 weeks after giving birth?
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Birth control and spotting? normal.

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animals usually dont spot before giving birth they might during and after, if your worried ask a vet.

Is it normal to have brown spotting instead of a period when you're on birth control?

Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.

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Seeing spotting while taking birth control is totally normal.It's just your body getting use to the hormones you are now taking.My doctor told me you should see spotting or light bleeding for the first 3 months of taking birth control.

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Bitches bleed for several days and weeks after giving birth. It is the body's natural way of cleansing the uterus and birth canal. The nursing puppies causes her uterus to contract, and thus older blood is expelled. It is natural and she is fine, unless the blood looks bright and fresh.

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Any amount of bleeding or spotting "counts" if you're on hormonal birth control. That spotting is your normal withdrawal bleeding. Insert the next ring on schedule.