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yes! :) hamsters have the largest male genitalia compared to body size of all rodents.

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Q: Is it normal for hamsters penis to get big and red for few seconds?
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Is it normal to have a big penis when your 11?

It depends, how big is it? Length? Width? Shape?

How big is an hamsters penis?

Smaller than a human baby's fingernail or the same size.

Is it normal to be thirteen with a ten inch penis?

At thirteen years old, physical development can vary greatly among individuals. A ten-inch penis would be considered well above average for an adult male, so it is unlikely for a thirteen-year-old to have reached that size. It is important to consult a healthcare provider if there are concerns about growth and development.

What are Big Bang's favorite sports?

Probably something to do with penis's The big bang theory also has a sub theory that you must divide the seconds of sex by the midget's age and multiply that by two and add the number of the normal persons

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How big is a 6 year old males penis?

Any size is normal. Everyone's different.

At 13 is a 5.5 inch penis big or normal?

well the size of the average mans erect penis is 5.5- so for a boy of 13 years it is pretty big.

How do you know if your penis is normal size or big?

It is 3 times the size of your thumb take your thumb and measure it then times it by 3 that should be the size of your penis

What are hamster's diet?

A hamsters diet is usually the food you get in packets from pet shops, its a bit like muesli. However, I do not know much about normal hamsters, I know a lot on dwarf hamsters. Dwarf hamsters are tiny so still feed them the normal hamster food but only a small bit of it and once a week give it a bit of veg or fruit only as big as your fingernail though!

Does daniel radcliffe have a big or small penis?

No what? that's not normal! Theres something wrong with you!

You are 13 you hit Puberty 3 years ago how big should your penis be?

If you are 13, the normal length of your penis should be between 4 and 5 inches.

Can dwarf hamster climb normal hamster tubes?

As they are dwarf hamsters they are not as big as Syrian or other hamsters. This means that they may not be able to go in the tubes but it depends on the size of the tubes. Hope i helped :) x