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Q: Is it normal for your hamster to dig at the corners of her cage?
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Does hamster dig like what bunny do?

Yes, hamsters do dig around and burrow. They like a lot of bedding in their cage that they can dig around in.

Why do russion dwarf hamsters dig in the bedding?

my hamster does the same thing. it is normal for them to dig in there bedding.they do that because is a natural habit for them. that is where they store their food and keep warm.

How do you make a hamster's cage look like it's natural habitat?

It will need small branches or sticks leaves(keep the leaves changed) and even some small rocks things that it can get under and dig in they love to dig

Recently My Female Guinea Pig Keeps Making A Burrow Underneath The Hay That Is In Her Cage Is This Normal?

yes, in the wild hamsters don't have plastic houses, so they dig, like a rabbit or a mole. I would advise that you just leave the hamster as it is, and check if she is eating and drinking as well as exercising.

Can a rabbit dig his way out of a cage on the ground?

If there is no wire in the bottom they certainly can and will dig out.

Why do robo dwarf hamsters dig under the padding in their cage?

In the wild, hamsters dig holes called burrows and live in them. So by instinct, hamsters will dig.

What digs holes?

Rabbit,hamster,moles and many more animals dig holes.

Is it normal for girbles to dig?


Why do bunnys dig?

Because they don't have a big enough cage. What kind of cage do you have, that your rabbit can make a hole in it. The main purpose to have your rabbit in a cage, besides being able to catch it is to protect the rabbit. You need to get a sturdy welded wire cage for your rabbit.

Can hamsters and schnauzers live together?

Yes, well, in the first few week the cat will look at the hamster watch it and put it's paws on the cage. After about 2 week the cat will get Bord and leave it alone still don't leave the cat alone with the if the hamster is out of the cage. what i would do is put the hamster cage where the cage will be with every thing in it so that's its ready for a hamster at any time and just leave the cage there for 2- 4 weeks so that the dig change which is putting the cage in. so now that the cat is used to it so when you put the hamster in its a little change and it will not be to dramatic so the cat will be fine and just maybe a little excited.

Do hamster's like to dig in sand?

some do also they love to roll in said make it warm :^)

Do male turtles dig for fun?

No, they dig a whole big enough, then get inside it and burrow underground, if you want to keep that turtle, don't let it out of a cage.