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If you have your period, yes. If you don't then it is a reason for concern. See your doctor for a physical exam and more info.

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13y ago

Of corse its normal its just your body worrying about itself but if this happens more than once a month or not at all contact your docter

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Q: Is it normal how when you wipe yourself you get blood on the tissue because you think your on your period?
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What causes clots in your period after a tubal?

* you see blood clots which are actually clots of tissue in your menstruation -- don't worry, this is a normal occurrence and is no cause for alarm. Blood clots such as these are perfectly normal because menstruation involves the shedding of the lining of the uterus.

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* you see blood clots which are actually clots of tissue in your menstruation -- don't worry, this is a normal occurrence and is no cause for alarm. Blood clots such as these are perfectly normal because menstruation involves the shedding of the lining of the uterus.

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Yes, it's normal for your period to be clumpy and thick. Your period isn't just blood but also uterine cells, uterine tissue, discharge, and mucus, so on heavier days when there is more tissue present it will look thicker and mucus can also thicken up flow too. As long as you're using correct menstrual products to deal with it you're fine, and as long as there is no bad odour everything is healthy.

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No, if you're not bleeding then you're not menstruating. Menstruation is the process through which uterine lining sheds, including tissue and blood, if there is no blood then you are not experiencing a period.

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The "chunks" are likely normal; that's the mucus, tissue, etc. that you lose during a period. Green blood? Not so much. See a doctor or specialist for that. Anything green from the vagina is a bacterial infection. Do NOT wait to go to the Dr because bacteria can enter the uterus and the infection can make you permanently infertile.

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