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It's difficult to say what this could be. I would recommend you call your midwife or local maternity hospital.

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Q: Is it normal if im 10 weeks pregnant and you gagged and a watery clear discharge came out you?
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Does watery clear discharge always mean your pregnant?

No! It is not a clear indicator at all that you might be pregnant.

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Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. Watery discharge, butterflies, and lower back pains are not signs of pregnancy.

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It is normal for a woman to have discharge on her breast but it depends on the amount and frequency at which the discharge produced. If at all it soaks your bra then perhaps you might need to check with the doctor and see if it is an infection but if the discharge is clear, it should be normal.

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I've seen on several websites that white or milky looking discharge or watery to mildly thick discharge is normal in pregnancy and usually is in abundance.

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Your period shouldn't be like water, but watery in the sense of liquid is normal - your menstrual flow is made up of blood, tissue, mucus and discharge, but it's normal for there to be more blood than anything else which would make it more liquid.

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The answer is rheum.Rheum is defined as a watery or mucous discharge from the eyes or the nose.It is pronounced "ROOM".

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If there is vaginal discharge that is watery white, but there is no itching or odor for a month, this is a completely natural bodily function.

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your properly pregnant. but i ant no genious lol (obviously....i cant even spell the word) your properly pregnant. but i ant no genious lol (obviously....i cant even spell the word)

You are 8 weeks pregnant and am having very watery discharge should you worry?

When you talk to your doctor/nurse/hospital/etc. tonighton the phone, they can tell you if you should worry.

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Some discharge is normal, however if it is extensive amount you should consult a doctor.

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Some of the symptoms related to the medical condition called Azoospermia are the inability to get your partner pregnant and clear watery or whitish discharge of the male organ.

Watery discharge after ovulation?

It is light, clear, has no or little odor and comes and goes with the phases of the menstrual cycle then it is probably normal. If it is abnormal for you or not some of the above then it should be checked.