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Amenorrhea is the medical term for a missed period. It is most commonly caused by pregnancy, but it can also be caused by hormonal imbalance and occasionally as a side effect of medications.

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Q: Is it normal not to have a period during the three months even though you tested that your not pregnant?
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Is it normal to have your period while you are pregnant?

Is it normal?No. It is NOT normal to have your period at this time. YES you can have a period while pregnant. Some women don't realise they are pregnant til a few months gone because they have gotten their period. Get checked out by a doctor immediately!

Is it normal not to have your period for 6 months and not be pregnant?

Unless you're going through menopause, no.

When on jasmin can you be pregnant and still get your period?

you can still have your period during pregnancy but it does not usually seem to be normal when you are pregnant mosly irregular

Can you get pregnant if you have not had your period in 7 month's?

If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.

Is it possible to have a period while pregnant?

No, but during early stages of being pregnant you can get bleeding which seems like a normal period. This is common.

Is It normal to get a period for 3 months regular then miss a period you are not pregnant and you were on the shot back in July?

i have been on the depot shot for three months my period did not come the fourth month what should i do

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant

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No, it is not. But your young female may.

Can you be pregnant one depo shot then 2months no period?

It is highly unlikely to get pregnant on the depo provera. And if you are worried because you have not had a period in two months that is normal for the depo shot. It is made to stop your period

How many weeks is a woman pregnant?

40 weeks is a normal period. So almost ten months.

Can you be pregnant and have a regular period and then spott a little?

yea that's normal for the first three months sweetheart

Is it normal that breast is tender during the period?

Yes it is normal. Before I got pregnant every period I had my breat would hurt.