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Q: Is it normal to be 2 months and have no appetite?
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Is it normal to have no appetite during your 13th week?

Yes. Some women have no appetite for the entirety of their pregnancy. It all depends on the individual.

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2 months

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What can i do i still have shingles after 2 months?

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Puppy has no teeth you have been told he is 2 months old is this normal or is puppy normal?

not usually they get there teeth around 2-4 weeks

6 weeks pregnant sick all day no appetite?

Its normal

Your dog loss his appetite sins he lost his teeth is that normal?

No. take it to the vet!

Is it normal to have a complete loss of appetite during 1st month of pregnancy?

yes it is.

I am 2 months pregnant and my belly is already beginning to harden and show. Is that normal?

It matters who you are.

Is it normal to throw up all the time and lose appetite while pregnant?

During the first trimester, it is usually normal.

Does revia work for weight loss?

I've been on this medication along with wellibutrin for over 2 months now....yes it has controlled my appetite... but no I have not lost any weight...