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ummm I've never heard of that happening, you might want to consider seeing a doctor

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Q: Is it normal to get a bloody nose when making out with someone?
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Is it normal to get a bloody nose twice in four days?

NO! Unless there was trauma to it , a bloody nose that often is not normal. Best to consult with an ear, nose, and throat doctor. It is probably a vein that can be cauterized. See the doctor to be sure.

Is it normal to have bloody mucous from your nose after death?

well it sometimes depends on what kind of death it was

Can you start a bloody nose?

yes, you can start a bloody nose

Lower side pain accompained by a bloody nose what could this be?

I am very experienced with nose bleeds since im little and its normal to have a pain at that part of your nose it does it to me so don't worry.

How does a bloody nose occur when your asleep?

Because of heat?Well that’s how I get a bloody nose

Wake up with bloody nose?

maif you have a fan somewhere in your room and your nose gets dry,you get a bloody nose in the morning

Will a cold cause a bloody nose?

A cold may be able to indirectly cause a bloody nose. Simply put, if your boogers harden, they might be able to puncture the inside skin of your nose, causing a bloody nose.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Bloody Nose - 1992?

The cast of The Bloody Nose - 1992 includes: Johnny Askwith

Should you go to school with a bloody nose?

Its your choice! You don't have to go to school, but i think you should. Its just a bloody nose!

What is wrong with you if you are spitting up blood and have a bloody nose?

you just have a bloody nose and your spitting blood because some of the blood from your nose goes down your trout to your nose. at lest that's what i think

What is term for bloody nose?
