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Q: Is it normal to have a discharge at 62 even if you've had hysterectomy?
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Is it normal to have brown discharge in your pants even though you have never had a period?

Yes, it is normal to see brown discharge even though you've not reached menarche. The brown discharge is light bleeding that has gone brown as it has aged and it mixes with your discharge. This can be a result of hormonal changes as your body prepares itself to ovulate and menstruate.

Do you still need to get your hormone level even after hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy removal of utereus or total hysterectomy uterus and cervix will not affect your hormone levels as you still have your ovaries which produce the hormones.

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if youve even passed 1st grade that shouldnt be a valid question

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The speed of a man walking fast.

Is it normal for a woman to produce milk while on the pill?

Yes. It is always normal to prOduce SOME discharge. However, if it is coming out even when you DON'T press your nipples, see a doctor. All the best!

Is it normal to itch and have a yellow colored discharge that turns your panties yellow?

AnswerNo it is not normal. You could have a yeast or bacterial infection or if you are sexualy active (even if you use condoms) you could have a STD. You should make a appointment with your local health department or your private what does it mean if you only have yellow discharge?

Is brown discharge normal after using Metronidazole vaginal gel when pregnant?

Yes even if not pregnant. Its clearing out all the bacteria. Mostly dry blood

How long should you have discharge from your nipple piercing?

6~8 weeks and even longer depending on how the piercing was done. As long as the mater is whitish yellow you are o.k. and that is normal discharge, it will ease up as the piercing heals and becomes seasoned.

What to do you have lack of menstrual flow?

Everybodys period is different and changed regulary. There is no need to worry if ur period is light or if you even miss one (unless youve had sex) our body doesnt NEED to have a period every month. Its normal for it to change

Can you get pregnant even though you had an radical hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is were your uterus has been removed. So there fore you can not get pregnant. The embryo attaches itself to your uterus. In order for you to become pregnant you have to have a uterus.

What does increase in discharge mean during pregnancy?

I know I did with both of my pregnancies and one pregnancy only lasted 3 months. So, I guess the answer there is yes but I imagine it could depend on each individual person. It is normal and healthy as long as the discharge is white, clear, or even a cream color and doesn't smell unusual. If the discharge is any other color, especially green (which is a sign of an infection) or even darker brown (which could be blood-tinged) you should get looked at or if it is accompanied by any other stuff like itching, burning, etc. Hope this helps! Pam