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Your penis length if fine, a little over average for your age. As for no armpit hair, there is nothing to worry about. As I'm sure you know, everyone is developing differently and at different rates. Having no armpit hair is not uncommon at your age, and some men do not develop any at all. Just don't be embarrassed about not having any, it really doesn't matter.

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Q: Is it normal to have a soft penis of 4 inches and no arm pit hair when you are 15 years old?
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Your penis is 6 inches and you have pubic hair im you normal?


I am12 and my penis is about 3 inches when erected I do have pubic hair mostly on the base but also a little more and my penis is 2 inches soft and I have a friend who has a 6incher when hard?

You're normal.. Absolutely normal. The average size of an adult males penis is about 5 inches. Boys grow at different rates, so don't worry about it too much. You still have a lot of years to grow up so don't sweat it.

Is it normal to have a 4 inc dick and no arm pit hair at 15 years of age?

Yes it is normal. Your penis will change sizes through your entire life. and arm hair tends to come last in the way of bodily changes.

What if your penis is 4 inches and your nearly 15 you have a bit of puberic hair will it grow bigger?

Sometimes the penis and pubic hair can grow at very different rates

I am 15 years old and I don't have that much hair in my armpit does that mean that I am going to grow a lot or is it bad my penis is really big?

no its perfectly normal. your penis should have started growing at age 14

Is it normal to have pubic hair tiny tiny facial hair and have a small penis?

When you start puberty you grow pubic and facial hair and your penis will gradually grow too. Try not to worry and be patient.

Is it normal to have pubic hair between the ages of 11 and 13?

Forty to fifty years ago, teens around 11-years old had "peach fuzz". But now, sexual characteristics that develop during puberty (hair, penis and breast growth, underarm hair, etc.) occur earlier than in years' past. It is normal to have peach fuzz to actual pubic hair between ages 11 and 13 years old.

Im 13 years old my penis is just over 6 inches I have lots of pubic hair and quite abit of armpit hair is my penis the right size I wank nearly everyday and cum up how far should it shoot out?

>:3 jesus christ a lion get in the car!

If you have an odd hair or two growing out of your penis is that normal?

No it should look like a bush

What is a normal hair style for a male with 6 inches of hair or more?

you should cut your hair lol :D

Is it cool to have pit hair?

It totally depends on if you like hair there. If you like it, then yeah it's fine. I am 15 years old, and I have pit hair. A long with pubic hair. I don't mind having hair underneath my arms and around my penis. It's a normal thing to have hair growin while in puberty.

I'm 15 and I don't have armpit hair or facial hair yet and my penis is 6 inches when erect. Will my penis grow longer when I get armpit and facial hair?

your penis will shrink 3 to 4 inches once you start to notice pubic hair. your dick will grow in its own time because it isn't your hair that makes it griw Its possible it will grow a bit more. Your puberty is just a bit slower in some areas than others but everything will catch up soon and average out. You will probably grow taller in height also. This process normally takes until you are 18-years-old or whearabouts.