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Q: Is it normal to have different fingerprint types?
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Dose different people have the same fingerprint?

No everyones fingerprint is different. There are types of fingerprint which different people have in common but nobodys is exactly the same.

What are the different types of fingerprint?

there are three different types of fingerprints. arch, loop, and whorl.

Are all fingerprints different?

Every fingerprint is unique, but there are some major types that they are classified into. Your tongue print is different also.

What types of finger prints are there?

No human fingerprint is the same.

Do different types of candy melt at different rates?

Yes, it is normal.

Where could a person go to buy a safe with a fingerprint scanner?

Safes with fingerprint scanner are the safest types of safes with a fingerprint lock interface. One can buy a safe with a fingerprint scanner from a websites like Amazon.

What are three types of fingerprint patterns?

Loops, whorls and arches.

Types of fingerprint patterns?

Whirl, Loops, Double Loops, Arc.

What are the 3 main types of fingerprint patterns?

Arch, Loop and Whorl

What are the different types of perspective?

the different types of perspective are worms eye view normal eye view and worms eye view

Why fingers prints so important?

because they identify who a person is everyone's fingerprint is DIFFERENT, no two people have the same fingerprint

Finger print region in IR spectroscopy?

A fingerprint region is a "specific" region that a molecule shows peak. They are different for all vibrations so that a fingerprint is different for all people.