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No not normal but it can simply indicate the presence of gas in the bowels. High fat content food will cause this...

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Q: Is it normal to have foamy bowel movements?
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Related questions

What causes clear foamy bowel movements with lots of gas?

Bowel movements should not be clear. However, there may be mucous i the stool. This could be clear or white and foamy. If the mucous is the only symptom, it is likely nothing to worry about.

What causes bowel movements to be foamy and smell like vomit?

Ummm... I am not exactly sure, but I feel that you may have a problem.

Why would one have foamy bowel movements?

Bowel movements that are foamy could be a result from the food that was eaten. Another reason is from medications that may have been taken or issues with the colon, liver or pancreas.

Is it normal to have 8 to 10 bowel movements a day for adults?

I think the more bowel movements a day the better you will feel, as long as the bowel movement isn't diarrhea.

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What does Bowel training do?

Bowel training helps to reestablish normal bowel movements in persons who suffer from constipation, diarrhea, incontinence, or irregularity

Can you stop taking doxycycline if you are constipated?

Yes. As it is broad acting tetracycline antibiotic (called broad spectrum) that kills many of your normal bowel bacteria which are necessary for normal bowel movements.

How often does a baby pass waste a day?

The amount of bowel movements a baby may have in a day varies...It will depend upon whether the infant is breast fed or bottle fed, and also the age of the baby...Very young and breast fed infants may have several bowel movements in a day and be within normal limits...Older and bottle fed infants tend to have fewer bowel movements in a day and this is also normal. Diet will determine how many bowel movements anyone, including infants, will have on a daily basis.

Why do you have bowel movements?

It's the normal bodily function for your body to void or excrete your digested (and undigested) foodstuffs.

What are the symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus?

dementia, gait abnormalities, and incontinence (involuntary urination or bowel movements).

Do bulimics have bowel movements?

If you are asking if they have bowel movements, of course they do! ********* Yes, just not as often.

Can Moshi monsters have bowel movements?

No, monsters cannot have bowel movements in Moshi Monsters.