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Yes, sometimes. It can vary from almost water to thick with lumps. Diet, exercise, time between ejaculations can all cause it to change. It's nothing to worry about.

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14y ago

Sometimes. It will vary from practically water to thick with chunks. Diet, health, excersise, medication, nothing to worry about.

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13y ago

No, I have never seen that once in my life.

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Q: Is it normal to have jelly like clumps in your semen?
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Why is your semen jelly like?

Gray semen is within the range of normal semen colour. However, yellowish semen with jelly-like particles present would indicate serious issues. Consult a doctor, you could be in a very bad situation.

What should normal semen look like?

white and thick

What does come look like?

Most semen is white in color, but grey or even yellowish semen can be normal as well. Blood in the semen can cause a pink or reddish color

Is it normal to have a period with lumpy jelly like bits of blood coming out in clumps?

Yes, many women deal with that and everyones flow is different. Yes every woman goes through this we all hav different periods some heavy & with these lump's that are jsut clot's that dont do you any harm.

Is it normal for a 13 year old to eat his semen?

Many guys like to taste and eat their own semen. There's nothing abnormal about it and its not bad for you.

What happen when boy drink his semen?

The semen is digested and removed from the body like normal food. semen actually has iron and other minerals and vitamins that prevent tooth decay by up to .56%! In a sense, its like eating non-harmful, bad- tasting toothpaste.

Is it normal if a 15 year old's semen isn't thick or white and looks like pee?

no mate its pee

What is cocci bacteria shaped like?

sometimes clumps Cocci bacteria is spherical, but yes sometimes it is in clumps.

Is it normal to have jelly-like clumps in your semen?

The causes of jelly-like sperm is the massive concentration of protein compound of your sperm in your "testicular sperm bank"..usually those teens that masturbate actively for years and suddenly refrain from doing it have a greater chance of having this stuff(though its normal). Because during the time youre still active in masturbation your testicles produces more sperm so it needs sugar and protein to produce a liquid substances wherein your sperm swam. so your brain may senses that during your frequent masturbation or sex maybe, it send a message to your testicles to produce more of these substances. Consequently, to the certain point of time you did not masturbate for along period, the sperm and protein base liquid in your testicles may over reproduce and the tendency of this if you were unable to let it ejaculate, it will accumulate in your testicles and becomes highly concentrated. and Subsequently this causes your sperm to look like a jelly - like substance...its normal as long its color varies from white to yellowish and no blood or black or green.if you have some symptoms of pain after your ejaculation, observe for sometime and if it doesnt stop that's the time you consult a doctor,

Should semen be really thick?

Most semen is white in colour, but grey or even yellowish semen can be normal as well. Blood in the semen can cause a pink or reddish colour, known as hematospermia, and may indicate a medical problem which should be evaluated by a doctor if it does not readily disappear.[3] After ejaculation, semen first goes through a clotting process and then becomes more liquid. It is postulated that the initial clotting helps keep the semen in the vaginal canal, but liquefaction frees the sperm to make their long journey to the ova. Immediately after ejaculation semen is typically a sticky, jelly-like liquid often forming globules. Within 5 to 40 minutes it will become more watery and liquid before finally drying.[4]

Is it normal to see what looks like semen in the toilet bowl after peeing and pooing only in the morning hours?

Only if you are a guy.