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Only if you have been pregnant for a few months or actively breatfeeding. If this is not the case or if you are unsure, go see you GP.

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Q: Is it normal to have milk squirting from your nipples?
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Related questions

Is it normal to still have a tiny bit of milk in breasts after about 3 years?

Yes, if you keep squeezing your nipples they will continue to produce tiny anounts of milk.

Can you milk a squirell?

If it has nipples, you can milk it!

How do you know when my cat has milk in its nipples?

Squeeze on her nipples.

Is it normal to have openings at the end of your nipples?

Yes, it is normal. There are very small openings on the nipples to allow breast milk to flow during lactation and breastfeeding. Males can also have small openings, but it is not as common to be able to actually see any of them, because of the difference in size of the nipples, being so small.

Are long nipples from breastfeeding normal?

Yes, this is normal. The nipple stretches as the baby sucks it towards the back of his/her mouth to draw the milk from the breast. The nipple will soon return to its normal shape.

Is a lactating baby normal?

Yes. Babies still have the mothers hormones in them at birth and as newborns. To see some milk coming from the baby's nipples is normal and will go away with time.

Are hairy nipples normal?

Yes hairy nipples are normal for Men... but for girls they usually dont grow hair around the nipples.

Is it normal for a woman to produce milk while on the pill?

Yes. It is always normal to prOduce SOME discharge. However, if it is coming out even when you DON'T press your nipples, see a doctor. All the best!

Is it normal for nipples to itch?


What are the functions of the nipples?

For providing 'milk' to their babies.

Can a male produce milk from his nipples?


Why are your nipples small?

because you drink milk