

Is it normal to have two days menstrual flow in a month?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It is normal if it is normal for you. If you have always had 2 day long periods, then there is probably nothing to worry about. However, if you normally experience longer periods and now they have shortened, take a look at your everyday activities. Athletic women tend to have shorter lighter periods than non-athletic women, and things like Birth Control pills can have an effect on how long you bleed for. So basically if it is normal for you, count yourself lucky that you only have to bleed for 2 days.

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Q: Is it normal to have two days menstrual flow in a month?
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A woman has her menstrual flow during menstruation, which is at the start of her menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, meaning she should menstruate roughly every month.

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once a month!

Is it normal if Menstrual blood stretchy?

Yes, it is normal for your menstrual blood - or specifically the menstrual flow - to be stretchy. As well as blood your flow is made up of uterine tissue, cervical mucus, and discharge.

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NO. That is unusual.

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Menstrual blood doesn't clot like other blood because if it did it would be detrimental to the whole process of the uterine lining shedding. The 'clots' people talk about in menstrual flow are normally larger chunks of the uterine lining, normal during heavier flow days.

Why does menstrual flow come once a month for most females?

The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days, which is around a month long. A menstrual cycle is around this length simply because this is how long it takes for your body to ovulate and in turn for it to menstruate.

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All this means is that your period is longer than normal. The fact you had sex a few days before your period doesn't change your menstrual flow.

How long is the normal delay for a woman menstrual flow?

From what I hear. around a month. Unless you haven't had it for very long. It can take 2 years to become regular and then it can be gone for months.

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The tissue that you see in your menstrual flow isn't skin, it is most likely the uterine lining. It's normal to see larger pieces of uterus lining being shed in your menstrual flow on heavier days of your period.

Is it normal to have small clots of blood in menstrual flow?

Yes, it's very normal. Don't worry

What is the absence of painful menstrual flow?

The absence of painful menstrual flow is just normal menstruation - menstrual cramps are common but not a normal part of healthy menstruation at all. If you're missing your period all together then there can be a number of reasons, if you go more than 3 months without a period see your doctor.