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Q: Is it normal to have your stomach feel empty when your sick?
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What is meant by the quote 'you are sick at heart'?

'Sick at heart' means someone or something has broken your heart and you may well feel ill to your stomach or have an empty feeling inside.

Is it better to run with an empty or full stomach?

Neither. You should have something in your stomach, and settled, but you should not be full (you will get sick) or empty (your stomach will cramp).

You kind of feel sick but your stomach feels weird like it has flutters?

i kind of feel sick. but my stomach feels weird like it has flutters

Is it normal for your stomach to hurt when your pregnant?

Yes, it is very normal to feel nauseous and have cramps during pregnancy. Some women experience morning sickness. This is when you feel very sick in the morning and you sometimes vomit. Relax, this is normal.

You lost your virginity and you are really swollen down below and feel sick in your stomach is this normal?

if you had a hell of a time no, but if your depressed than yes

Is it normal to feel sick after you take your birth control pill?

It is not normal to feel sick after taking birth control pills. If you feel that the pills are making you sick, you should contact your doctor and have them changed.Taking birth control pills should not make you feel sick. That is not normal.

Is it normal to feel sick or nauseous after taking misoprostol?

It is normal to feel sick to your stomach, have diarrhea, chills, or even feel like you have a fever during this time. Most women report they know when they have passed the pregnancy because the bleeding slows down, and they start to feel much better. To know more about misoprostol and its use visit

Why does he make you feel sick to the stomach?

because he is not the one and there is no spark

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Why do you vomet?

You vomit when you get sick and your stomach doesn't feel good and your stomach gets rid of the stuff you ate.

You are 4 weeks pregnant you feel sick but have not been sick Is this normal?

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