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Yes it is very normal to be that size.

ya that's like in the normal range, im 13 and i weigh 145 pounds and im 5 foot 8

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Q: Is it normal to weigh 137 and be 5 feet 5 inches and a 14 year old girl?
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How much should an 11 year old girl weigh at the height of 5 feet and 2 inches?

Well it depends on her ethnicity... but normally any where from 100 to 130 pounds is what a girl that age weights (what is called "normal")

What is the normal weight for a teenage girl?

It depends on how tall the teenager is. If the teenager is only 5 feet tall, they should weigh between 97 pounds and 123 pounds but if they are 5 feet 10 inches tall they should weigh between 132 pounds and 167 pounds.

I am a 14 year old girl and my height is 4 feet 9 inches is that normal My Mom is 5 feet 3 inches and My Dad is 5 feet 10 inches?

You will still most likely grow a few more inches!

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=idk I'm 4"9 turning 12 in may i weigh around 76 but i think the normal is for a girl pounds i personally think its from the 66 to 78=

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The average height of a 7 year old girl is about 47.7 inches or 3 feet 9 inches. She will weigh about 50 pounds at this age.

How much should an 11 year old girl weigh at the height of 5 feet 6 inch?

An average 11 year old girl that's 5 feet 6 inches should weigh about 90 to 100 pounds

How much should an 11 year old girl weigh at the height of 4 feet and 9 inches?

They should weigh beetween 100 and 115 pounds.

How much such an eleven year old girl weigh who is 5 feet 6 inches tall?

120-133 lbs

If You are 5 feet and 5 inches how much are you meant to weigh?

if you are a girl its between about 8 and a half and 9 and a half stone

Is 80 pounds normal for a 12 year old girl that's 4 feet 9 inches?

that is in fact normal not bad at all 100% normal

If you are five feet two inches tall and are a thirteen year old girl how much should you weigh?

A 13 year old girl should weigh somewhere between 95 and 105 pounds

What is the normal mass of a 4 feet 2 inches Girl?

Anywhere from 10-500kg's, whatever ur comfortable with