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I wouldn't say so. alot of guys and girls do it.

Not necessarily that will happen due to shyness.

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Q: Is it odd for a guy to aproch a girl and then not be able to speak?
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Sometimes they feel somthing is there that is not with a girl that they like better. Or somtimes they feel more comfortable with that guy. I can fully answer your question becasuse i dont speak guy

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Coming from a shyish guy, I like this girl who is super confident. I usually depend on her to make the moves but I give her signs that I like her. Show him signs you like him! If that doesn't work, get some friends to ask him, or get confident and speak to the guy. Hope this helped!

How do you get a gay guy to fall for you?

i take it a girl is asking this question? if it is then you might as well pee in the wind it isn't going to happen unless the guy swings both ways so to speak

What age is a guy able to get a girl pregnant?

Some time after he has reached puberty the sperms starts to be created.