

Is it ok for a 16 year old guy to like a 12 year old?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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Q: Is it ok for a 16 year old guy to like a 12 year old?
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This is from a 12 year old guy well all you need to do is be kind to her.

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i am a 12 year old girl and i have a 12 year old guy cuzin and he always ignores my texts and calls but idk y.

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yeah. but not like now, but you know, later, you can have a 4 year difference.

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some of them do, but personally, i think you're a tad young. go for a twelve year old guy.

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well that's normal! Your Hormones are just acting out... like a 12 year old's hormones should!

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There's not point in trying at that age .. Trust mei thought there was, but there's not.

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because, lets face it, no offense to all the guyss, but sometimes boys are stupid

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that a weird question. a girl should like a guy if she does not because he is a skateboarder and what separates skateboarders with non skatboarders its YOUR opinion not the world... but im 12 and i skateboard (guy)

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It depends who you're asking . I am 12 years old, dating a 14 year old just like you and my parents don't let me date what so ever.

Can a 12 year old girl date a 19 year old boy?

Ummmm isn't that almost like paedophilia because this is a 19 year old guy !!! Personally i wouldn't go there ... its not like there isn't time to date others around your own age when the 12 year old is older .. and probably hit puberty too then

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Because they are just beginning Puberty and becoming interested in the opposite sex.